Fürstenrieder Str. 275 in Munich, Germany
If you want to start a new business, expand into new regions, relocate or enlarge or reduce your space, Büro Aktiv is the ideal partner. You can flexibly enlarge or reduce your office at any time, exactly as your business requires it. Transparent costs, with no hidden extras, give you peace of mind right from the start and thus support the success of your corporate planning.

By car:
between the ends of motorways A96 and A95 (from the direction of Lindau and Garmisch), directly opposite to the main entrance to the “Waldfriedhof”.
Public transportation:
Underground line U6 (stop “Holzapfelkreuth”), bus line 51 and 151, stop "Waldfriedhof Haupteingang"
At “Fürstenrieder Straße” or on the large free parking lot "Waldfriedhof"